Matryoshka, Russian Souvenir :
Sovetskaya Rossiya ©1969, 108 pages
Editors: A Obryvalin and Yu Tyurin
Foreign proofreader: L. Soloviova,
Director, Moscow Museum of Matryoshki
This is a small format book with photographs of many unusual historical matryoshki, including the early period as well as the Soviet period. The back of the book contains translations of the photo captions in German, French and English.
This is a rare book and is one of the few books available that feature early examples of nesting dolls.
The cover of the book is tan and has a gold stamped doll face in a sunburst on the front. The book originally had a green dust cover with translations of the word “Matryoshka” in different languages circling a Matryoshka doll.
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