Nesting Doll Magazine Articles (8 articles):
“Matreoschka” by Ana Bahar,
Doll Reader, December 1984 (pp 138-142)
“Polish Nested Dolls” by Linda Holderbaum,
National Doll World January 1986 (pp 8-10)
“New Trends in Russian Nested Dolls” by Linda Holderbaum, Doll Reader February 1993 (pp 98-95)
“Father Frost Matroushkas” by Sandra Waugaman, Doll Reader, December 1994 (pp “All Snug in Their Nests” by Ana Bahar,
Doll Reader, December 1993 (pp 80-82)
“Bears of a Feather” Teddy Bear Review,
May 1993 (pp 38-39)
“Artist Matryoshki” by Carin Policoff,
Doll World 1997 (p 4,6,8)
“A Nest of the Best” by Alison Burke, Dolls Magazine, May 2003 (pp 68-70)
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