This tower is from the Semenov Painting Factory and features a tower from the Russian Fairy tale Teremok and several little forest animals inside.
Teremok (The Tower) A Russian Fairy Tale:
Once upon a time, a little fly built a tower in the forest. A flea jumped by, saw the tower and knocked on the door:
"Who is it that lives in this nice tall tower?" "I, the little fly, and who are you?" "I am the buzzing mosquito. Come live with me!"
And a little field mouse ran by and knocked on the door, "Who is it that lives in this nice tall tower?" "I, the little fly."
"I, the buzzing mosquito, and who are you?" "I am the little field mouse." "Come live with us!"
And a croaking frog hopped by and knocked on the door, "Who is it that lives in this nice tall tower?" "I, the little fly." "I, the buzzing mosquito." "And I, the little field mouse, and who are you?" "I am a croaking frog." "Come live with us!"
And a nervous rabbit bounced by and knocked on the door, "Who is it that lives in this nice tall tower?" "I, the little fly." "I, the buzzing mosquito." "I, the little field mouse." "And I, the croaking frog, and who are you?" "I am a nervous rabbit." "Come live with us!"
And a sly fox ran by and knocked on the door, "Who is it that lives in this nice tall tower?" "I, the little fly." "I, the buzzing mosquito." "I, the little field mouse." "I, the croaking frog." "And I, the nervous rabbit, and who are you?"
"I am a sly fox." "Come live with us!"
And a gray wolf came by and knocked on the door, "Who is it that lives in this nice tall tower?" "I, the little fly."
"I, the buzzing mosquito." "I, the little field mouse." "I, the croaking frog." "I, the running rabbit." "I, the sly fox, and who are you?" "I am a gray wolf." "Come live with us!" So they lived happily in the little tower.
Then a big bear came by and roared, "Who is it that lives in this nice tall tower?" "I, the little fly." "I, the buzzing mosquito." "I, the little field mouse." "I, the croaking frog." "I, the running rabbit." "I, the sly fox." "I, the gray wolf, and who are you?" "I am the big bear." "Well, come on in!"
The bear tried to climb into the tower, but no matter how he tried, he just didn't fit. "I think it would be better if I lived on the roof." "You will squash us all!" "No, I won't!" The bear sat down on the roof, and smashed the little tower. All of the other animals managed to jump out of the tower, and went back to the forest to live.
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