This round counting set is from the Semenov Painting Factory and features a round roll with three animals inside and is from the traditional Russian tale Kolobok. This is the original version of the Gingerbread Man tale.
Kolobok (The Roll) A Russian Fairy Tale:
Once upon a time, there lived an old woman and an old man who were very poor and very hungry. The old man asked the old woman to bake him a roll. "How can I do that, old man," she asked, "if we don't have any flour?"
"Go out to the storage shed and sweep it up, and you will have enough flour for a roll," said the old man. So the old lady went out to the shed and swept up a couple of cups of flour, and baked a small roll. She put the roll on the table by the window.
The roll got bored just sitting by the window, so he jumped onto the window sill, and from there rolled onto the grass and then onto the road. The roll enjoyed rolling along the road. Soon he rolled past a rabbit, who said,
"Little roll, I am going to eat you!" The roll sang, "I am a little roll, made from flour swept from the shed, baked in the oven and cooled by the window. I ran away from the old woman, I ran away from the old man, and I will run away from you!"
Then the roll saw a wolf, who said, "Little roll, I am going to eat you!" The roll sang, "I am a little roll, made from flour swept from the shed, baked in the oven and cooled by the window. I ran away from the old woman, I ran away from the old man, I ran away from the rabbit, and I will run away from you!" Then the roll saw a fox, who said,
"Hello, little roll, aren't you a pretty brown thing?" The roll was pleased by the praise, and sang, "I am a little roll, made from flour swept from the shed, baked in the oven and cooled by the window. I ran away from the old woman, I ran away from the old man, I ran away from the rabbit, I ran away from the wolf, and I will run away from you!"
The fox said, "What a nice song! But I am getting old, and I can't hear the song very well. Come here and sit on my nose, and I will be able to hear it better." The roll was flattered that the fox liked his song, so he jumped up on her nose and sang, "I am a little roll!" And the fox opened up her mouth and gobbled up the little roll.
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